RDGA Information

2024 West Henrietta Rd., Suite 5H
Rochester, NY 14623-1360
Phone: (585) 292-5950
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Current Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Since 1929, the Rochester District Golf Association has been dedicated to promoting the interest of amateur golf in the Rochester area and to representing the USGA in our region. As a primarily volunteer organization, the RDGA is committed to providing an exceptional level of service to our member clubs as well as to the area's 14,000+ golfers.
The RDGA will continue online registration. This registration and reporting system will combine with our state of the art course rating technology to place the RDGA among the top golf associations in the United States.
The success of the RDGA in providing the USGA Course Rating and Handicap System, workshops on the Rules of Golf and a first rate tournament schedule for all ages is directly attributable to a dedicated group of volunteers.