Daily GHIN Handicap Revisions

Beginning January 6, 2020, as a World Handicap System GHIN user through an RDGA Member Club, you automatically receive an update to your Handicap the day after you post a score.
The Handicap update email that you receive includes your name, GHIN number, current Handicap Index and your Low Index from the past 12 months as well as your scoring history. Additionally, the email will include updates about upcoming RDGA events and services (see example at right).
To ensure that you receive the daily GHIN updates - OR, of you need to change your contact info or email address - it is important that you provide the RDGA with a current, active, unique email address which will serve as part of your login (along with your GHIN number) as well as your access to the email updates. If you need to change or update your email address, please contact the RDGA office by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or call us at 585-292-5950.